Families Connect


A National community of like-minded persons with the shared intention to alleviate poverty and suffering in Sri Lanka.

To channel Zakat and Sadaqa into projects that will directly connect families to families; donors to recipients and persons to persons. It is expected to deliver help on the ground through local partnerships, networks and individuals connecting them with local projects that have a clear vision to achieve the objectives.

The objective is to help change lives by meeting basic needs: food, housing, education, career, counselling and employment, designed to empower greater self-sufficiency, new hope and a more sustainable future – a handshake, not a hand out.

Our Vision

  • “Eliminate Poverty”

Our Mission

  • “To connect families to families, through the investment of Zakat and Sadaqa funds most efficiently; provide sustenance to the poor and change their lives permanently, release them from poverty”

Our Objectives

  • To transform Zakat receivers to Zakat givers.
  • To invest the community’s Zakat and Sadaqa funds in medium and long term initiatives, rather than providing for consumption.  
  • To create sustenance through life changing projects that help eliminate poverty.
  • To be the trusted and credible conduit, connecting families to families.


  • Connect Zakat/Sadqa paying families to engage with Zakat/Sadaqa eligible families on a long term basis.
  • Maximise the utilisation of Zakat through meaningful and long term projects to uplift and elevate the living standard of the community.
  • Work in partnership with experienced service providers in each area of expertise.
  • Professionally managed with paid staff and a secretariat to provide support and sustain the overall programme.